Clinical and Histological Diversity of Ossifying Fibroma: A Series of 4 Cases Showing Aggressive Behavior

Document Type : Case Reports


1 Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Oral pathology, Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Oral maxillofacial pathology, faculty of dentistry, Cairo University


Aim: Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma (JOF) is a variant of ossifying fibroma. It occurs in young age group 5-18 years old causing sever malocclusion, encroaching vital anatomical areas. Commonly presented with rapid alarming growth. Two histopathological patterns are linked to the aggressive biological behavior namely juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma (JTOF) and psammomatoid ossifying fibroma (POF). JTOF mostly affects children and adolescents with equal gender and site distribution between the mandible and maxilla. While POF occurs chiefly in extra-gnathic sites, especially in paranasal sinuses, periorbital bones and skull base. Surgery with wide excision is the optimal treatment. Subjects & methods: This article presents detailed review concerning clinical radiographic and histopathological examination of four cases. The age range of the patients studied was between 7 and 22 years with reflection to treatment protocol and prognosis. Results: The conditions observed in these cases primarily affected the maxilla, extending towards the floor of the orbit and, in some instances, the nasal septum. In other cases, the conditions were in the mandible. Conclusion: OF is a benign tumor having aggressive subtypes with high recurrence rates. For accurate diagnosis, it is crucial to examine the clinical, radiographic, and histopathological aspects of the lesions because they share similar characteristics with other aggressive bone abnormalities. Early detection and an appropriate treatment strategy involving enucleation with curettage or resection of the tumour according to the size of the lesion, followed by long-term follow-up, are essential for optimal outcomes.


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